Sunday, March 30, 2014

Research is important for gathering information so that existing problems can be solved. It is quite helpful in the academic field particularly for professionals like teachers, writers and scientists. Research requires time, effort and sometimes money to make it worthwhile. Research is very important when it comes to first-semester college students. A lot of high schools don’t fully prepare students for college. So when it comes to me writing essay’s for English or any other subject research is very significant. Without research I would not know where to even begin my paper. The subjects we get to write about in college are way different than the topics we wrote about in high school. Research is important in considering services for students for two reasons.  First, you can start with tools that have been shown to be effective. Second, for something to actually be effective in a school, it has to be used and used with fidelity. For a tool to be used it helps if everyone believes it can work because this helps students to the day to day activities, without which, even the most effective tools do not succeed. Research is another way to say information gathering, and it is having information which allows us to make better decisions. We all research the world around us constantly without realizing it. Every time we open our eyes or ask a question we are gathering information about the world, and every time we think about something, we are using that information in order to make a decision. The more information we have the better informed our decisions are.  It is vitally important that all research is done to the best possible quality and that it is as reliable as possible. It is also very important that all research is done to certain ethical standards, including declaring who the sponsor of the research is and publishing the exact method of the research.

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