Friday, March 7, 2014


Yo yo yo it’s KJ. When I was in high school I never thought I would go to college so I never prepared to take the SAT or the ACT. Whenever the test was given at my school I wouldn’t take it. College was not an option for me two years ago.

When I finally decided to come to college, I went and signed up and my community college made me take the compass test. This test was very difficult for me because I was out of school for two years, and almost forgot everything I learned. When I took the test I felt like I missed the majority of the questions.

It all seemed to work out pretty good. I got average on almost every subject.  Before I took the test I knew it was going to be difficult for me, regarding the fact I was out of school for two years. A lot of people took the compass test and told me it was going to be hard. During the test I took a lot of breaks because I was so frustrated that I didn’t know anything.

Knowing that I wasn’t going to do very well I kept a good positive attitude. I wish I could take back the last four years and take school a little bit more serious. One time in eighth grade we took a practice ACT. With me being in school at the time I scored a very high grade on the test. I remember very little about the test, but I do remember a lot of the questions that were on that test were not stuff I was learning in school at the time.

I feel like high schools can do a better job with preparing students for the SAT or ACT. I’ve listened to a lot of other college students complain about that lack of things they knew that were on the test. That’s a big issue with these tests. A lot of schools don’t teach to those guidelines. With this new revised version a lot of kids are going to have more success.

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