Sunday, February 16, 2014

A lot of us don’t think about how important freedom really is. Freedom to me is doing what I want when I want in a proper manner.  You are in control of yourself and no one else should be in charge of you. After being charged guilty of murder Amanda Knox was imprisoned for four years, during that time she had no freedom. In prison, you can’t do what you want to do. Nelson Mandela wasn’t always granted freedom. He literally had to fight his own life just so he could be free. Rubin Carter was released from prison so now he has his freedom back. A lot of Americans today are not thankful for the freedom they have. Centuries ago it was rare for all people to have freedom. Thing about that makes me really appreciate it more that I’m free. It in your our hands to be free as long as we want, but one wrong thing and our freedom will be taken away.  The best thing about being free is being able to wake up every morning and get an education. So many small things we take for granted.  JONZY

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