Friday, February 21, 2014

What Makes A Good President!!!!

What Makes A Good President

            Presidency today is not what it was when Washington was elected our first president. A lot of things have changed since then; our society has advanced way upon what it was when the Declaration of Independence was signed. So we the people expect a president that is up to date with modern technology and our present society, but still has an enormous amount of knowledge of what past presidents did before him. Even though we should never judge anyone on characteristics our president needs to be somewhat petrifying looking in the face so other world leaders can have a very strong first impression of the president. A strong education back ground is maybe one of the most important traits a president can have.

            The technology in the United States has not stopped developing since it started advancing in the 1980’s. With our technology we can find out anything, buy anything, contact anyone, and do anything in a matter of seconds or days. Science, technology, engineering, and medicine are all critical to the nation's prosperity and this is important for the president to know a lot about because advances in these certain areas will pay off later for generations to come. Having a virtuous knowledge of what recent presidents tried before will make decisions for the president easier because of the fact he’s already going to know if certain ideas have worked or not.  Having a president which a strong education back round affects everyone’s outlook on our president.  

            Our president is the most popular figure in the world. Everything he does and says is being watched and heard by people constantly. The president has to be able to admit when he’s wrong and have a very strong voice. Without those two traits a lot of people will try to take advantage and walk all over him. He has to know when to put his foot down and tell people no. People who voice their opinion the most are usually the people who get listened to, so the president is going to have to stand up for what he believes in. You can’t just name a couple things that make someone a good president because they have to be good at almost everything.
Sincerly Kjones22




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