Sunday, April 27, 2014

The first year of college can be a new and exciting adventure to many students. Students can also take on new experiences in there first year of college. College can also come with challenges along the way. Students must try to find a way to balance their new college life, and transitions. Students go through difficult transitions like adjusting to their new environment, trying to make new friends, and some may have academic difficulties.

Adapting to a unfamiliar environment can be overwhelming to some students. Students have to adjust to their new living arrangements, like living with a new roommate. Living with a roommate can be a great college experience. College brings a unique opportunity to meet new people from different cultures and backgrounds. Making new friends can help students adapt to their new environment.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Research is important for gathering information so that existing problems can be solved. It is quite helpful in the academic field particularly for professionals like teachers, writers and scientists. Research requires time, effort and sometimes money to make it worthwhile. Research is very important when it comes to first-semester college students. A lot of high schools don’t fully prepare students for college. So when it comes to me writing essay’s for English or any other subject research is very significant. Without research I would not know where to even begin my paper. The subjects we get to write about in college are way different than the topics we wrote about in high school. Research is important in considering services for students for two reasons.  First, you can start with tools that have been shown to be effective. Second, for something to actually be effective in a school, it has to be used and used with fidelity. For a tool to be used it helps if everyone believes it can work because this helps students to the day to day activities, without which, even the most effective tools do not succeed. Research is another way to say information gathering, and it is having information which allows us to make better decisions. We all research the world around us constantly without realizing it. Every time we open our eyes or ask a question we are gathering information about the world, and every time we think about something, we are using that information in order to make a decision. The more information we have the better informed our decisions are.  It is vitally important that all research is done to the best possible quality and that it is as reliable as possible. It is also very important that all research is done to certain ethical standards, including declaring who the sponsor of the research is and publishing the exact method of the research.

Friday, March 7, 2014


Yo yo yo it’s KJ. When I was in high school I never thought I would go to college so I never prepared to take the SAT or the ACT. Whenever the test was given at my school I wouldn’t take it. College was not an option for me two years ago.

When I finally decided to come to college, I went and signed up and my community college made me take the compass test. This test was very difficult for me because I was out of school for two years, and almost forgot everything I learned. When I took the test I felt like I missed the majority of the questions.

It all seemed to work out pretty good. I got average on almost every subject.  Before I took the test I knew it was going to be difficult for me, regarding the fact I was out of school for two years. A lot of people took the compass test and told me it was going to be hard. During the test I took a lot of breaks because I was so frustrated that I didn’t know anything.

Knowing that I wasn’t going to do very well I kept a good positive attitude. I wish I could take back the last four years and take school a little bit more serious. One time in eighth grade we took a practice ACT. With me being in school at the time I scored a very high grade on the test. I remember very little about the test, but I do remember a lot of the questions that were on that test were not stuff I was learning in school at the time.

I feel like high schools can do a better job with preparing students for the SAT or ACT. I’ve listened to a lot of other college students complain about that lack of things they knew that were on the test. That’s a big issue with these tests. A lot of schools don’t teach to those guidelines. With this new revised version a lot of kids are going to have more success.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

     Hey bloggers it’s KJ. I’m going to be telling you about the time I was helping out a family without getting anything in return. I was sixteen years old I think at the oldest. My work ethic was above average compared to other kids my age. My family was always hard on me as a kid.

      No one in my family went to college to get an education. My dad’s side of the family is worse than my mom’s.  My dad and his brother dropped out of high school to start working, so I always had a good work ethic.  My dad started his own welding business, and he didn’t hire any workers at the beginning because he didn’t know what he could run into just starting a business.  Starting a business in this economy was going to be risky to deal with, and not having a high school diploma my dad wasn’t the typical businessman.

     I saw my dad every morning wake up and go to the garage to start working. So every morning on the weekends I would be up before him waiting for him to go to work. Even though i wasn’t the best at welding I still did other small tasks for him like cutting, grinding, or even cleaning. I did whatever it took to help out my dad.  My dad never paid me for the work that I did.

     Money was an issue for my dad’s company early.  He couldn’t hire anyone until they started making some sort of money. My dad always told me I was his first worker for the amount of work I did on the weekends for him. My dad taught me a lot at the same time. I became a better worker, and a way better overall welder. I knew the work I was doing was helping my dad.

    My dad didn’t have to attend to all the small annoying jobs while I was in there. We built up a trust to where he knew what jobs I could handle and what jobs I couldn’t handle. Even though I didn’t get anything in return physically I felt like I received the best next thing which is learning a trade and producing a bond with your father.

Friday, February 21, 2014

What Makes A Good President!!!!

What Makes A Good President

            Presidency today is not what it was when Washington was elected our first president. A lot of things have changed since then; our society has advanced way upon what it was when the Declaration of Independence was signed. So we the people expect a president that is up to date with modern technology and our present society, but still has an enormous amount of knowledge of what past presidents did before him. Even though we should never judge anyone on characteristics our president needs to be somewhat petrifying looking in the face so other world leaders can have a very strong first impression of the president. A strong education back ground is maybe one of the most important traits a president can have.

            The technology in the United States has not stopped developing since it started advancing in the 1980’s. With our technology we can find out anything, buy anything, contact anyone, and do anything in a matter of seconds or days. Science, technology, engineering, and medicine are all critical to the nation's prosperity and this is important for the president to know a lot about because advances in these certain areas will pay off later for generations to come. Having a virtuous knowledge of what recent presidents tried before will make decisions for the president easier because of the fact he’s already going to know if certain ideas have worked or not.  Having a president which a strong education back round affects everyone’s outlook on our president.  

            Our president is the most popular figure in the world. Everything he does and says is being watched and heard by people constantly. The president has to be able to admit when he’s wrong and have a very strong voice. Without those two traits a lot of people will try to take advantage and walk all over him. He has to know when to put his foot down and tell people no. People who voice their opinion the most are usually the people who get listened to, so the president is going to have to stand up for what he believes in. You can’t just name a couple things that make someone a good president because they have to be good at almost everything.
Sincerly Kjones22




Sunday, February 16, 2014

A lot of us don’t think about how important freedom really is. Freedom to me is doing what I want when I want in a proper manner.  You are in control of yourself and no one else should be in charge of you. After being charged guilty of murder Amanda Knox was imprisoned for four years, during that time she had no freedom. In prison, you can’t do what you want to do. Nelson Mandela wasn’t always granted freedom. He literally had to fight his own life just so he could be free. Rubin Carter was released from prison so now he has his freedom back. A lot of Americans today are not thankful for the freedom they have. Centuries ago it was rare for all people to have freedom. Thing about that makes me really appreciate it more that I’m free. It in your our hands to be free as long as we want, but one wrong thing and our freedom will be taken away.  The best thing about being free is being able to wake up every morning and get an education. So many small things we take for granted.  JONZY

Friday, January 31, 2014

Hello bloggers, my name blog name is KJ. Today I am writing about the chemical spill that happened in West Virginia three weeks ago. The water in West Virginia now is claimed to be impacted with formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. I have some West Virginia family that was affected by this spill. Some of my family couldn’t even shower at their own house and drink their water. This chemical is also known to give you cancer. I think the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection should have taken better steps of testing their water. A lot of people didn’t even know the water was contaminated.  They could have taken better steps then what they did. They should have automatically told everyone not to use the water until they tested it thoroughly. I felt like this was a wakeup call for central West Virginians.